Friday, January 23, 2009

Hey everyone/anyone! Help! Can you tell me how to add a 'Layer Mask' in Elements 6? Thanks!


Carin said...

I am thinking Elements 6 doesn't have "layer masks" you have to have the big dog to do that. What in particular are you trying to do? Maybe I can still help?

Judy said...

Hi Carin~yeh I think you are right. I thought I read somewhere that you could somehow do a layer mask in Elements too. I'm trying to take two photos and merge them together taking out the line where they connect. Thanks!

Carin said...

I think I can help you on this, sorry, I have been so busy I haven't checked back. I will write something up soon.

Cy said...

Sorry, I don't use Elements, but here is a link that may help you...


Judy said...

Thank you Cy! I thought there was something out there that I'd read that told how to do it in Elements, but I never could find it again. I'll have to go there tmo and play with it. Thanks so much!